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What happens if a commercial airliner flies over the ceiling limit?


When a commercial airliner flies above its maximum rated ceiling, several factors come into play that can affect its performance and safety. Engine thrust is one crucial factor that limits the aircraft's ability to fly at higher altitudes. At higher altitudes, where the air is thinner and less dense than at lower altitudes, there is not enough air passing through the engines to generate the required thrust.

The maximum altitude an aircraft can achieve is typically defined by two different terms: service ceiling and absolute ceiling. The service ceiling is the altitude at which the aircraft's climb rate becomes significantly slow, making it effectively "top out." It represents the practical operational limit for the aircraft. On the other hand, the absolute ceiling refers to the maximum altitude an aircraft can reach under ideal conditions, with zero rate of climb.

If a commercial airliner were to attempt to fly above its maximum rated ceiling, several issues could arise. First, the engines would struggle to produce the necessary thrust to maintain level flight, which could lead to a loss of speed and altitude. As a result, the aircraft's ability to maintain its intended flight path would be compromised. Additionally, the thinner air at higher altitudes would impact the performance of various systems, including the aircraft's aerodynamics and engine cooling. This could potentially lead to a decrease in maneuverability, reduced engine efficiency, and increased risk of engine overheating.

Moreover, flying above the designated ceiling limit could also pose safety concerns. The aircraft may encounter the limits of its structural capabilities, as the design and materials used may not be intended to withstand the stresses associated with higher altitudes. In extreme cases, exceeding the maximum rated ceiling could even result in structural failure or loss of control.

It's important to note that commercial airliners are certified and tested for specific operating conditions, including their maximum rated ceiling. The manufacturers and aviation authorities determine these limits based on extensive research, testing, and safety considerations. Exceeding these limits can significantly compromise the aircraft's performance, safety, and structural integrity. Therefore, it is crucial for pilots and operators to adhere to these limits and operate within the specified parameters.

Modern Cessna 172's have a maximum altitude of 13,000ft - 15,000ft

Theodore Kyrazis, an Airbus A-320/321 captain and a retired USAF F-15 pilot, explains it in non-aeronautic speak:

Emergency oxygen supply: Airlines impose altitude limits, Kyrazis says, “to ensure there is enough oxygen supplied to all the masks for the amount of time it takes to accomplish an emergency descent to an altitude where the oxygen masks are no longer required (around 10,000 feet).”

Sudden cabin depressurization: A loss of cabin pressure can occur if a plane flies too high, and if that happens, passengers and crew—including pilots—can lose consciousness. When it happens with a fighter jet, Kyrazis explains, “it’s a simple matter of rolling over and going straight down back to a comfortable altitude in less than a minute. It’s not so trivial for a commercial aircraft.”

Equipment failure: “Almost all modern aircraft have sophisticated computers monitoring aircraft weight, speed, outside air temperature, wind speed and direction, and the angle of the wing relative to the incoming wind,” Kyrazis says. “If a pilot were to try climbing above the recommended altitude and keep going, either the engines would not produce enough thrust to keep climbing or the wings would stall.”

Oxygen masks hung from the ceiling of a Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 superjumbo as it lost cabin pressure on a flight from London to Singapore in 2014

 In conclusion, if a commercial airliner were to fly over its ceiling limit, it would face significant challenges related to engine thrust, aerodynamics, engine cooling, maneuverability, and safety. The aircraft's ability to maintain level flight, performance, and structural integrity would be compromised, potentially leading to hazardous situations. It is essential for pilots and operators to operate within the specified limits and guidelines to ensure the safety of the aircraft and its passengers.

The family consisting of the A319neo, A320neo, and A321neo, has a service ceiling of up to 39,800 ft (12,131 m)


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